School Community Council

As described in Act 51, School Community Councils were established “to provide a mechanism whereby parents, the community and other key stakeholders can have a substantially increased voice in the affairs of their local schools, with a clear and concrete enunciation of powers and responsibilities, and how these are shared with those of the principal.”
The policies developed by the Hawai`i State Board of Education and Hawai`i State Department of Education to implement School Community Councils are based on three common-sense principles:

  •  Individuals closest to the students should be more involved in making significant decisions affecting the instructional program of the school.
  • A school plan to improve student academic achievement receives more support when people understand and help create that plan.
  • When families participate in a variety of ways in their children’s education, including decision-making, their children and the school are more successful.

Roles and Functions
Board of Education Policy 500-19 describes the major functions of School Community Councils:

  • Review the school Academic Plan and Financial Plan and either recommend revisions of the plans to the principal, or recommend the plans for approval by the complex areas superintendent.
  • Review evidence of school progress on the implementation of the Academic Plan and align the plan with the educational accountability system under HRS 302A-1004.
  • Participate in the principal selection and evaluation process.
  • Provide opportunities for community input and collaboration.
  • Recommend to the principal the school’s repair and maintenance needs.
  • Provide recommendations for revising or creating new school level policies and procedures.
  • Request waivers to state policies, rules, procedures and collective bargaining agreements to improve student achievement.

Information from SCC Handbook